Tuesday, May 11, 2010


listen to what some people had to say about BIG FAT COPYCATS!!! for fellow handmade accessory blogshop owners who aren't COPYCATS and your designs have been ripped off over and over again, i'm sure you'll find solace in the following article about COPYCATS!!! read on.......

Copycats and "knockoff artists" are the bane of jewelry artists' existence.

When we've poured our creativity and effort into a unique, original design and then discover that someone else has not only copied our design but is trying to sell their copies of it - we feel doubly ripped off and violated.

The Karma of Copying

Although copycats are everywhere, I've noticed that they're rarely successful. They tend to be in search of a quick buck, stealing one product idea after another as they try to follow trends.

And although their knockoff pieces are usually lower priced in an attempt to undersell the original jewelry - their pieces are nearly always lower quality too.

In addition, copies and imitations lack the spark that draws people to the original piece.

"While things may basically look or be the same, in essence it's the person who conceives them from their heart and soul, that radiates through them....

True soul expressions radiate through those who conceived them and not through those who copy them."

So whether it's because of their lazy approach to "creating" a product line, or because their copies are missing the spark of the original work (or because Karma catches up with them!) - knockoff "artists" are seldom able to build a clientele and grow a successful business.

And because copycats' intention is usually to make money without much effort, they don't tend to stay in your market very long. Any new knockoff artists who show up to take their place will wind up disappearing as well.

By acknowledging and pursuing the matter with a copycat, you’re wasting valuable time and energy focusing on the wrong thing. You’re an artist. A designer. Someone who is creative. And what do creative people do? They work on that next big thing. They innovate. And being innovative and pushing the envelope is what every small businesses should be doing.

We move on to bigger, better things; because once you’ve made something great, you should have that quiet confidence that you’ll be able to do it again. And don’t just say it. Put your heart into it.

And here’s an important thing to consider. The copycat items aren’t as fabulous as yours. And their price point would probably be lower to entice customers. If competing on price is the only thing they can offer, what good will it do for their business? I figure they have to work twice as hard to make that knock-off look believable for a very tiny profit. That my friends, is not what you would call a viable business. Yes, it’s irritating, but for the most part, it’s just plain stupid.