Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy Moo Year everyone! =p

2010 was fulla up and downs!

I found myself a new best friend after losing him 4 years ago!

Finally got my big behind to register for driving and I passed within 4 months! How great is that? All thanks to the husband for egging me on!

I have and am officially labelled a GAMER! hurhurhur! Below is a screenshot of the i-send-15000-Qing-Calvarys-to-hit-your-city online browser game! All thanks to the new best friend and my curiousity which got the better of me and now I've conquered almost 8 cities! =p

I'm thankful that Puff has also survived another fruitful year and have expanded to consign to shops!

So, I'm gonna ask what everyone is asking everyone else!

What's your 2011 resolution/s? =p