Friday, June 4, 2010

Big Faith! Big Fish!

i'm back from my fishing trip! very fruitful trip although we didn't catch any marlin or sailfish but at least we caught a glimpse of it (could be a marlin or sailfish. not sure).

we caught a barracuda and in the midst of reeling it up on board, it got bitten into half by another bigger fish which we suspected could be a marlin!

lesser fishes this time round but we still managed to reel in some big fish - garoupers, a grand trevally, parrot fishes, a puffed up puffer fish and a "bu-bu"!!!

no sea-sickness for me! thank you God! just loads of poo! hahaha

breakfast on board

some of the fishes we caught, fried with yellow powder

lunch! home made fried potato with bacon bits!

the half eaten barracuda! whacked up by another bigger fish! poor fella!

here's the bu-bu we picked up. some fisherman must've left it there for a long time. finders keepers! what a treasure!

the husband's big catch which we ended up having sashimi! you da man!

grand trevally sashimi!